A woman who is his Best friend and Lover
Any woman who cannot rely on reason to solve the daily difficulties in a relationship, and who cannot be seen as her man’s best friend, would hinder rather than help her man grow.
Women who dress with class
The way a lady dresses is one of the ways that reveals her character according to psychologists. Any refined, “wife material” woman, will not dress up garishly and tastelessly with a view to display herself.
Industrious women
Every man wants to marry an industrious woman especially during these harsh economic times. “A lazy mistress makes lazy servants, and, what is worse, a lazy mother makes lazy children.”
Non-materialistic women
While a man will spend on you, and show you love with his money, men still want a woman who is frugal and has the power to abstain from unnecessary expenditure.
Women with character
A wise man doesn’t marry for beauty and good looks alone, because as we know it, even gold when seen every day becomes commonplace, so does the most beautiful face, unless the woman possesses a beautiful nature in her.
Intelligent women
Stimulating conversations — they make a man go crazy. Intelligent women are ones that know so much about the world around them, but even more so, have a keen interest in making it a better place.
But know the difference: Men do not choose talkative women, and ladies who cannot keep their secrets.
Source: Viral 4 Real