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Coffee Shops Business Ideas

Coffee has been one of the fastest growing commodities in the world. It is the first in the food and beverage industry. As rich as its flavor was its history.

Majority of the coffee lovers dreams of having their own coffee shops or even coffee farms. But little do they understand the true essence of coffee business.

So before you dive in the business, here are few coffee shops business ideas:

  • Passion– If this is your first time to venture into the coffee industry, take note that it isn’t always the business minded who succeeds. Be passionate about coffee not just because you want money-making. Often, people fail to realize that coffee making requires passion and talent coupled with business strategies.
photo source: Google Image
photo source: Google Image
  • Coffee Science– Learning the science of coffee practically helps every owner to achieve their own state of success. You can enrol yourself in credible and authentic schools. Here in the Southeast, Indonesia is the number one coffee producer and exporter with different coffee beans to be proud of. They have a lot of barista training schools all across the region.
photo creditL Tumblr
photo credit: Tumblr
  • Beans– Choose your own blend. Knowing your beans is the most important factor in the coffee business. Arabica is the most popular variety which is almost 70% of the world’s total production. This type of beans is little sweeter but with higher acidity content. Whereas Robusta beans have stronger caffeine content almost twice as the Arabica and also has stronger smell.
photo source: Google Image; credit to owner
photo source: Google Image; credit to owner

  • Espresso– Never start a coffee business without the espresso. Espresso is both a coffee beverage and a brewing method. Most experts say that once you have brewed the “right shot” you are in the right track.
photo credit:
photo credit:
  • Location and Interiors– The main important thing to consider in choosing the location is the rent expense. Your coffee shop should be a destination, not just an impulsive tag. So here is where your marketing specialist comes in, choosing the right place for you. Aside from the area, Coffee shops all around the cities have great competitions when it comes to the shop’s interior design. Most of them often use bold colours with coffee antics all over and a whole lot more. Bear in mind that your product is more important than your interiors, it is always rewarding to have some bills in your cash register rather than hearing compliments with an empty purse.
photo source: paris cafe
photo source: paris cafe

The rest they say is up to you. Doing business always boils down on how you are good at managing it. So what are you waiting? Start brewing soon.

About Margarita Maldita

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