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Incredible moment at the zoo when a gorilla and a boy bond by looking at pictures of primates

The more we study animals, the less special we seem. The evidence that animals are more intelligent and more social than we thought seems to grow each year, especially when it comes to primates.

While many children and adults enjoy going to zoos, it is still sad to see animals trapped inside these “cages” when they should be roaming freely with others of their kind. When shown pictures of other primates, this gorilla seemed intrigued and looked intently at the pictures shown.

As the boy browsed through a photo album, the gorilla did not remove his gaze at the smartphone. When asked what he was showing the animal, the boy momentarily showed a picture of another primate.

For a good 20-30 minutes, the boy and the gorilla bonded, to a point where they both leaned from both sides of the glass.

According to the person who uploaded the video, Paul Ross, he was touched by the bonding they created. Zoo officials say that the gorilla enjoys looking at pictures and videos.

Now that is one smart gorilla!


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