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A 4 year old’s first day at school

 A 4 year old’s first day at school

Children being separated from their parents on the first day of school can be a heartbreaking moment. Children are used to being with their parents the whole time, and being separated from them for the first time can leave them anxious and heartbroken.

Entering a new environment filled with unfamiliar people can cause anxiety for children. Their first day of school can either be perfect—or a disaster.

4-year-old Andrew Macias was about to go to pre-kindergarten for the first time, and a reporter asked how he felt. He seemed happy at first—obviously excited about the new things he will learn, and new friends he will get to meet.

The reporter then asked if he will miss his mom—he says no. surprised by the answer, the reporter asked ‘why’ and giggled a bit. Andrew giggled with her at first, then started to make a really, really sad face—he was about to cry!

Source: Viral4Real

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