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Tag Archives: china

Real Life Drowning Drill,Unexpected Result!

A drill has been conducted in a school in Luoyang, China where 70 students were to submerge their heads in buckets and washbasins to experience real-life drowning. The Qianzhizhuang Primary School in Henan Province is located near a river, and children would often go there and play—especially on summer. To avoid accidents in the future, the school officials decided to ...

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PNoy to seek support in Japan

PNoy began his 4-day visit to Japan for further investment tie-up with Japan and ask support for the country’s opposition to China’s land reclamation in the South China Sea. The US had ordered Japan’s military to keep an eye in the waters near the coasts of the Philippines, Vietnam and other Asian neighbors, which all have competing claims to the said sea. However, ...

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